The Dilemma

Hey there! I'm sure you've seen nothing like this before. This is my space and I'm taking full advantage of it. This is the real power of the online world and I'm going to show you what I can do with it. Buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride! Nah.. im kidding

Remote Job

This blog post offers the best 10 tips for finding a remote job as a front end developer. Following some of these tips maybe will help you find the remote job of your dreams?

Ai? worried?

It is true that website development tools have become more user-friendly and automated in recent years, making it easier for individuals and businesses to create their own websites without needing extensive technical knowledge

AI Workforce

AI is changing how new human capital is selected for tech jobs. The technical abilities of interviewers are becoming less important, and the focus is shifting to the human qualities of candidates. Interviewers will need to evaluate candidates based on their ability to learn, communicate, and adapt

PostHog Analitycs

Open source analytics tools are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. One such tool is PostHog, which is an open source, self-hosted platform for capturing, storing, and analyzing user interactions on web and mobile applications

My linux journey

In this article, I'll share my personal setup and workflow that has significantly improved my productivity. From configuring NeoVim with useful plugins and themes to installing tools for faster node management and file navigation, my workflow has become streamlined and efficient


Hygraph is a CMS platform that uses GraphQL to deliver content from everywhere. The combination with Astro is a powerful one. In this guide, I will teach you how to implement the endpoint, query from Astro, and publish your website to Netlify, seamlessly integrating with Hygraph plugins